Ambrose Namoki

Velvet Shirt

9 1/4" head to toe
11 1/2" to tip of feathers

Ambrose Namoki is another young traditionalist whose old-style carvings are getting a lot of attention. We're delighted to see new, young talent bringing their expression to the forefront through traditional Hopi kachina carving.

Ambrose has nice feather work, good detail, and nice painting. For the money, his work is hard to beat.

The Velvet Shirt, or Navan Kachina, "is a comparatively recent kachina as it seems to have originated in Moenkopi sometime after 1900. He is one of the more colorful kachinas in a regular kachina dance with his bright ribbons and flowers. He may also appear in Kiva Dances.

- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi Artist's Documentary (191)

Gallery Price: $225.00


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